Google: November 2013 Archives

有用到 Google Maps JavaScript API v2 的, 應該發現 11/20 已經不能用了, 地圖會變成空白
因為 v2 已經在 11/19 關閉了
Google Maps JavaScript v2 (Deprecated)
Version 2 of the Google Maps JavaScript API is no longer available for new applications and will be turned down for existing applications on November 19, 2013.
Please follow the guide to migrate your code to version 3 of the Google Maps JavaScript API.
As of November 19, 2013, all applications requesting v2 will be served a special, wrapped version of the v3 API instead.
We expect this wrapped version of the API will work for most simple maps,
but we strongly encourage you to migrate to the v3 API immediately.

2013-11-22 Update: 隔天又可以用了, v2 will be served a special, wrapped version of the v3 API instead,
不過還是儘快轉到 v3 比較保險

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