April 2005 Archives

Gallery 1.5

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Gallery 1.5 出一段時間了, 最近才換上, 可參考 我的 Gallery

  • 管理者功能 - 較為完備, 可直接進入精靈設定, 不需在主機內執行 configure.sh
  • 統計 - 可依點閱數列出相片等
  • 幻燈片輪播 - 支援全螢幕 (需要 Java)
  • 相簿屬性 - 可以設定每個相簿的參數
    最多人點閱的影像 竟然是我的 VIOS!
    IE 沒有支援透明 PNG 圖檔, 使用陰影(shadows)外框看起來就灰灰的, 很糟糕.

  • 新細明體更新套件 1.0 版 提供 Windows XP 中文版的使用者, 將系統字型新細明體更新為 Unicode 3.1 的標準, 更新後的字型將包含 53,000+ 個繁體中文字。
    Download (26.3MB)
    裝完後 MingLiu.ttc 變成 22.8MB, 多了另一個 MingLiUB.ttc (30.8MB)
    ref. ChrisTorng 社群 新細明體更新套件 1.0 版


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    SMBIOS Kernel Module provides access to the management information of SMBIOS structures in both human readable and binary form via the /proc file system.
    edit Makefile, change INCLUDEDIR to your current kernel source include directory
    eg. INCLUDEDIR = /usr/src/linux-2.4.30/include
    # make (will generate smbios.o)
    # insmod smbios.o (load module)
    SMBIOS information available in /proc/smbios
    ref. Wikipedia - SMBIOS

    GoDaddy became top registrar

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    GoDaddy 幹掉 Network Solutions 成為第一大 registrar
    目前旗下有 683萬個 domains
    我認為原因很簡單, 提供的服務差不多, 消費者當然是檢便宜的
    (GoDaddy $8.95/year vs. Network Solutions $34.99/year)
    Netcraft domain price list

    Free Costco membership

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    昨天 Costco 打電話通知, 會員最近可以去辦一張免費的親友卡,
    至於親友的定義是什麼? 有興趣的人可以去問問看
    (原本 Costco 只能辦免費的配偶卡, 這可能只是短期的推廣方案)

    Cheap Hosting

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    GoDaddyEconomy Hosting, 一個月 USD 3.95
    包含 500MB 空間、每個月傳輸量 25G, 100 個 Email, 一個 Database (MySQL or MS SQL),
    有 Linux 及 Windows 平台
    這個價格實在很吸引人, 於是買了一個月試看看
    提供 FTP 上傳檔案, Email 有提供 POP3, SMTP
    頻寬表現也不差, 在不同時間用 HiNet 及 TANET 抓檔測試, 都能得到 200-300K/s 的結果,
    即 Godaddy 提供 2M 左右的上傳頻寬
    MySQL 有提供 phpMyAdmin 給 user 管理
    比較之下, HiNet 的 Hosting 簡直是天價, 最低檔的, 15MB, 每個月還要 NTD 800


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    DSLR or Digital SLR = Digital Single Lens Reflex, 數位單鏡反光鏡式相機, 簡言之, 就是數位單眼相機
    特性和傳統單眼相機一樣, 僅儲存媒體不同
    這類的相機, 都是專業級的高檔相機, 價格不斐
    在 DSLR 市場, Canon 目前具領導地位
    ref. Wikipedia - DSLR | 奇摩知識 - 什麼是 DSLR

    Opera 在四天內下載次數超過一百萬, Opera 總裁要準備橫渡大西洋了!
    Opera 網頁上的後續報導


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    上週五去拍了婚紗, 事實上, 已經延了很多次, 都不巧遇到下雨.
    大部分的時間都在等 Kelly 化妝, 覺得攝影師的功力不錯, 他用的相機是用 Canon EOS D60
    Kelly 的照片應該都滿好看的, 我是覺得自己笑起來很假.
    外景在西湖, 還遇到某客家電視台來採訪我們! 節目主持人是小鍾
    (後來查到應該是 客家玩透透 這個節目)
    還好當天不是很熱, 不然一直流汗很受不了.
    早上拍了兩套衣服, 下午拍外景兩套, 回來再拍三套, 7:50 拍完, 拍照過程很順利.

    JOE 3.2

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    Download | Release Notes
    JOE 3.2 上個月出的新版
    Hex edit mode, joe -hex file, hex search, type `xff`x03 to search for FF03
    xterm mouse support


    World Wind Demo

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    1. 可以用 A, S, D, W 旋轉, 切換視角
    2. 某些地方會有細部的空照
    錄了一段 Demo (XVID MPEG4, zoom in 舊金山金門大橋), 看看吧


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    Highest Wireless LAN in Taiwan

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    在玉山上網, 聽起來很炫!

    Google Dictionary

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    做了個小工具使在瀏覽器中選取英文, 按右鍵, 使用 Google 字典翻譯功能
    for Internet Explorer | for Firefox
    Firefox 要先裝 Context Search Extenstion

    Internet Explorer screen shot

    Firefox screen shot

    ref. Dave's Blog - Google dictionary

    Microphone replacement

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    Non-acoustic sensors detect speech without sound
    美國軍方這項新的技術使用偵測神經及肌肉活動的方式, 來取得講話的聲音.

    Mobile phone number list

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    查 09xx 是那一家業者

    Build prism54 AP

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    Please read prism54 README first, it's very clear.
    The following is my notes.
    My environment
    Kernel: 2.4.25
    Card: Corega CG-WLCB-54GT (ref. Chipsets and Wireless cards supported by the Linux prism54 driver)
    eth0 as WAN, eth1 as LAN

    I chose 2nd way (not patch kernel) describe in prism54 README

    wget http://prism54.org/pub/linux/testing/tars/2004-06/prism54-1.2.tar.bz2
    tar jxvf prism54-1.2.tar.bz2
    cd prism54-1.2
    make KDIR=/usr/src/linux-2.4.25 clean modules

    then get prism54.o module

    Kernel config
      Code maturity level options --->
       Prompt for development and/or incomplete code/drivers
      General setup --->
       Support for hot-pluggable devices
    CONFIG_FW_LOADER: m/y (either one will work)
      Library routines --->
       Hotplug firmware loading support (EXPERIMENTAL)
      Network device support --->
       Wireless Lan (non-hamradio)
    For PCMCIA Cards :
      General setup --->
       PCMCIA/CardBus support --->
       PCMCIA/CardBus support (m or y)
       [*] CardBus support (Important!)

    Make new kernel (make dep && make bzImage)

    Get firmware

    mkdir -p /usr/lib/hotplug/firmware
    cd /usr/lib/hotplug/firmware
    wget http://prism54.org/firmware/
    mv isl3890

    Boot with new kernel and use prism54.o module
    Make sure the hotplug system has been setup properly,
    otherwise you might get errors in the kernel log stating that request_firmware() has failed
  • does "cat /proc/sys/kernel/hotplug" show something like "/sbin/hotplug"?
  • is /sbin/hotplug present?
  • is the "firmware" agent is present (call /sbin/hotplug without any argument to show a list of available agents)
  • have you copied the firmware file into the folder expected by firmware.agent? (usually "/usr/lib/hotplug/firmware/")
  • for 2.6.x you need to mount sysfs!
    insmod prism54.o

    I've tried many times and got this error, maybe you never get this message.
    PCI: No IRQ known for interrupt pin A of device 0000:01:00.0.
    eth2: could not install IRQ handler

    Solution: enable ACPI and disable APM in kernel config and enable ACPI support in BIOS
    If no error occured,
    ifconfig eth2 up
    iwconfig eth2 mode master
    iwconfig eth2 essid default

    Finaly, bind eth1 and eth2 as bridge, prism54 AP should work now.

  • Firefox user 大概佔一成, IE user 已少於八成

    World Wind

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    World WindNASA 出的軟體, 可以從衛星的角度看地球, 1.3 版約 171MB

    ref. 竹貓星球 - 地球放大鏡

    MSN 7 為了安全因素, 對一些特定副檔名檔案作封鎖, 我覺得這實在是因噎廢食的作法
    其副檔名封鎖封是在接收端控制, 只要加入以下 registry 即可再接收已封鎖的檔案
    LowRiskFileTypes 可以自行調整

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


    2005-07-07 更新
    經測試新版的 MSN (7.0.0813以後) 已不適用這個方法, 請參考 MSN Messenger 7 Remove File Transfer Protection

    My favorite distribution Mandrakesoft Linux changes name to Mandriva

    After spending weeks balancing pros and cons, Mandrakesoft has decided to change its name!

    The name change will apply worldwide to both the company and its products. The management team sees two good reasons for this change:

    1. The recent Mandrakesoft - Conectiva merger calls for a new identity that better represents the combination of two key companies and their global presence.

    2. The long-winding trademark lawsuit with Hearst Corporation has reached a point where we decided it is more reasonable for us to move forward. By adopting a new name, we eliminate the liability attached to the Mandrakesoft name and we can focus on what is important to us: developing and delivering great technology and solutions to both our customers and our user community.

    ref. http://www.mandrakesoft.com/company/press/pr?n=/pr/corporate/2551

    MSN 7.0 Official Version

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    MSN Messenger 7.0.0777 官方下載
    去廣告修正(msnnoad) | 去廣告 Repacked Version
    msnnoad build 7.0.0777 異動
    若 MSN 正在執行, 自動關閉 MSN 再進行 patch
    移除對 MSN7 Beta 的支援(search 起點以 7.0.0777 為基準, 加快速度)
    拿掉 disable 強制升級
    移除對話窗下面的 text ad bar
    msnnoad source code (PureBasic)

    ref. http://messenger.msn.com/

    HiNet 降價了

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    4/1 新的費率, 主要調降的是 256/64K ADSL, 每個月 299, 比之前 550 便宜不少

    Google Map Satellite

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    Google Map 提供新的衛星空照圖, 最細微的圖可以看到車子


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    WIKIPEDIA 竟然有中文版 - 維基百科, 只是中文版能找到的資料比較少

    Gmail Growth

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    Gmail 一週年, 空間再加碼, 空間正漸漸提升中(寫這篇文章時是1350MB)
    剛好 我的 Gmail 滿了, 容量來得正是時候.

    G is for growth
    Storage is an important part of email, but that doesn't mean you should have to worry about it. To celebrate our one-year birthday, we're giving everyone one more gigabyte. But why stop the party there? Our plan is to continue growing your storage beyond 2GBs by giving you more space as we are able. We know that email will only become more important in people's lives, and we want Gmail to keep up with our users and their needs. From Gmail, you can expect more.

    4/1 phpinfo()

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    April fools' day

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