Linux: December 2011 Archives

CentOS 6.1 service network restart 會發現有錯誤
network-functions: line 144: is_false:命令找不到
./network-functions: line 144: is_false:命令找不到
./network-functions: line 144: is_false:命令找不到
./network-functions: line 144: is_false:命令找不到

因為 /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/network-functions 少了 is_false () function
看 144 行 ! is_false $NM_CONTROLLED && is_nm_running && USE_NM=true
is_false () function 只是檢查 NM_CONTROLLED 是否等於 no 而已,
在 network-functions 最後補上這一段即可

is_false () {
     [ "$1" = no ]

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