DreamHost Invitations

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收到一封 DreamHost 寄來的信, 「You just got five DreamHost Invitations!」

使用這些 Promo Code 註冊 DreamHost, 就有以下優惠:

  • 2TB 硬碟空間 + 20TB 流量/月
  • 五年方案折價 $150 (USD), 十年方案折價 $200 (USD)
    (以上 Promo Code 只可以用到 6/23)

    DreamHost 我用兩年多了, 容量、頻寬大到你用不完,
    速度也OK(ping 值都在 200ms 以下), 該有的都有, 有提供 Shell,
    無限的 Domain Hosting, 不過一分錢一分貨, DreamHost 並沒有保證 Uptime,
    其缺點就是常當, 不過這也是看運氣的, 之前用的主機滿常當的,
    現在這台就還好, 很少出問題.
    若可以忍受一個月幾小時的 Down Time, DreamHost 其實是便宜又大碗的選擇.



    meHi! I have received five invitations with the same terms, for use before august 14. If anyone wants to use them, take one:

    Hey folks got an email from Dreamhost allowing me to invite 5 people to take advantage of this awesome deal.

    ---- Email Below -----

    This email is to let you know that you, yes you, have just been given
    five (5) oh so special DreamHost Invitations you can use to invite your
    friends and colleagues to DreamHost!

    Of course, they don't NEED an official invitation to sign up, but if you
    email them and tell them to use one of these five invitation codes:


    ... they will get all these super special advantages not available any
    other way:

    * They will get four (4) times the normal disk and bandwidth!
    * If they choose our five-year plan, they'll get $150 off!
    * If they choose our ten-year plan, they'll get $200 off!

    Tell your invitees to use the 12-digit code you give them in the "Promo
    Code" field when they sign up at:


    ---- Email End -----

    Remember there's only 5 invites! So get them while they're available.

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