各家 ISP 的 SMTP server

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hinet ms1.hinet.net, msa.hinet.net
seednet seed.net.tw, eagle.seed.net.tw
giga smtp.giga.net.tw
tfn smtp.tfn.net.tw
apol smtp.apol.net.tw
ttn smtp.ttn.net, smtp.ispeed.com.tw
so-net so-net.net.tw
sparqnet sparqnet.net
lsc smtp.lsc.net.tw

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I suddently seem to have lost all smtp service perhaps as the result of someone's malicious act. I don't know if it's a coincidence that I use a discount ISP owned by a phone company. Tech support was not available by phone when I called, and I can't ask for help by email because I lack smtp. Error messages sometimes are that connection to the smtp server suddenly was lost and that login failed. I've also lost smtp relay. Does anyone else in northwest Germany have this smtp problem?

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