FreeBSD: November 2004 Archives

FreeBSD: All mbuf clusters exhausted

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All mbuf clusters exhausted
出現這個訊息時, 表示 network mbuf 用完了, 會造成網路不通
若常常出現這個, 要調整 kern.ipc.nmbclusters 這個參數,
此參數只能在開機時設定, 開機後就無法用 sysctl 設定,
開機時的 sysctl 參數寫在 /boot/loader.conf
如 kern.ipc.nmbclusters=10000

ref. man 7 tuning

pidof for FreeBSD

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pidof -- find the process ID of a running program.
a standard tool under Linux, but not exist in FreeBSD

FreeBSD user can get pidof by install port /usr/ports/sysutils/psmisc
A port of the Linux pstree, killall and pidof commands.

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