Data: January 2005 Archives


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AVIcodec can detect the codecs of AVI, ASF & WMV, Real (.rm, .rmvb), Ogg (.ogg, .ogm), Mpeg-(S)VCD-DVD (.mpg, .vob) files

Test your Java Virtual Machine (JVM)

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Greylisting is a new method of blocking significant amounts of spam at the mailserver level
It's a good method but the mail will be delayed at first time with same "triplet".

ref. Whitepaper | Links to Implementations and Information

Mersenne Primes

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A Mersenne prime is a prime number of the form 2P-1.
There are 41 known Mersenne primes.

ref. GIMPS Home Page

KVM over IP

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這真是好東西, 可遠端操控 Console
感謝 DarkKiller 提供的 Screen Shot
BIOS 畫面 | Linux 畫面 | FreeBSD 畫面
相關廠商 link

Password Recovery Tools

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March 2008

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About this Archive

This page is a archive of entries in the Data category from January 2005.

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Data: February 2005 is the next archive.

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