Google Apps will reduce free accounts to 10 after May 10

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前幾天才發現 Google Apps 只提供 50 個免費帳戶 (應該改很久了)
早上收到 Google 通知(如下)要改成 10 個, 已經申請的上限數不變,
有需要此服務的趕快申請吧, 2011-05-10 前申請還有 50 個免費帳號。


We recently announced upcoming changes to the maximum number of users for Google Apps.
We want to let you know that, as a current customer, the changes will not affect you.

As of May 10, any organization that signs up for a new account will be required to use the paid Google Apps for Business product in order to create more than 10 users.
We honor our commitment to all existing customers and will allow you to add more than 10 users to your account for at no additional charge,
based on the limit in place when you joined us.


The Google Apps Team

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