Using VLC to Send/Receive Multicast

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新版的 VLC 送 Multicast 的選項有點難找, 做個簡單的教學
以下的畫面是 1.1.5 版

Multicast 傳送端 (Sender)
選擇 「Advancded Open File...」

按「Add」加入檔案, 然後選擇「串流」


選擇「RTP / MPEG Transport Stream」, 按「增加」

輸入 Multicast Address, Port

如果有跨 Router 需輸入 TTL

接收端 (Reciever)

輸入 URL

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Thanks a lot . The info is vary useful for me.

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This page contains a single entry by Pank published on December 15, 2010 12:42 PM.

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