getopt example

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getopt 是 shell 裡抓參數的好工具
例: getopt abc:d: 容許參數 -a -b -c -d, -c and -d 後面要接參數

set - `getopt abc:d: $*`
while true
case $1 in
echo option -a
echo option -b
echo option -c=$2
shift 2
echo option -d=$2
shift 2
echo "error!"
exit 1

# ./go -a
option a
# ./go -c jack
option -c=jack
# ./go -b -c jack
option -b
option -c=jack
# ./go -b -c test -d
getopt: option requires an argument -- d
option -b
option -c=test
(使用後面要加參數的 option 會提示)
# ./go -b -c test -f
getopt: invalid option -- f
option -b
option -c=test

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This page contains a single entry by Pank published on May 5, 2004 5:30 PM.

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