Unfortunately, it support IE only.
Screen Shot
趨勢科技 2004年金毒獎
最佳男主角 NetSky
GLAT Google Labs Aptitude Test
英國科學家觀察模擬昆蟲、烏兒的動作, 研究如何造出更小的飛行器.
具有自主性, 有能力去尋找食物(死蒼蠅、蘋果).
讓我想起回到未來那台吃垃圾的空浮車, 如果有一天車子也能使用垃圾當作能源,
CleanSoftware.org is a resource to help Windows users find the best free daily-use software,
free from nasties: adware, spyware, harmful/intrusive components,
and threats to privacy.
The Sunbird Project is a redesign of the Mozilla Calendar component.
It's a stand alone application.
(Mozilla Calendar is a plugin)
Paint.NET is image and photo manipulation software designed to be used on computers that run Windows XP.
Paint.NET is jointly developed at Washington State University with additional help from Microsoft, and is meant to be a free replacement for the MS Paint software that comes with all Windows operating systems.
new generation of WEP cracking tools for 802.11 wireless networks.
a WEP key can be determined in minutes or even seconds.
Unfortunately, these test does not include open source software, such as Spam Assassin.
將來只要使用有 LightScribe 支援的 CD/DVD, 就可以在 CD label 面燒錄圖樣/文字
Google Desktop Search Beta
MSN Toolbar Suite Beta
2 desktop searching tool to find your files, data easily.
MSN Toolbar Suite Beta recently released.
After I tried both of them, I feel MSN Toolbar is better.
What are proteins and why do they "fold"? Proteins are biology's workhorses --
its "nanomachines." Before proteins can carry out their biochemical function,
they remarkably assemble themselves, or "fold." The process of protein folding,
while critical and fundamental to virtually all of biology, remains a mystery.
Moreover, perhaps not surprisingly, when proteins do not fold correctly (i.e. "misfold"),
there can be serious effects, including many well known diseases,
such as Alzheimer's, Mad Cow (BSE), CJD, ALS, Huntington's,
and Parkinson's disease.
Your computer's idle time is too precious to waste.
Download client now!
put your computer to work advancing scientific knowledge when it's not helping you.
PS. Video RAM requirement: 16MB
ref. Google Compute
Accoona claims better results than Google
Accoona takes its name from the Swahili phrase, "accoona matata," for "no worries," popularized by Disney's film, "The Lion King."
Stand on the shoulders of giants
快去搶一個好記的 URL 吧
我還是會繼續使用這邊的 MT Blog, 畢竟用習慣了.
MSN Spaces 有 10MB 限制, 這邊, 無限 :)
IMs, blogs, SMS 正逐漸取代 Email 的地位
有 2/3 的年輕人表示 "不用 Email 或很少用 Email", 他們的觀念認為 "只有老人跟正式的溝通才使用 Email"
Email's efficiency falls in terms of promptness, convenience and credibility," observed Yoo Hyon-ok, president, SK Communications.
ref. 朝鮮日報