Linux: January 2005 Archives

Linux: Can not mount iso over NFS ?

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test.iso is on NFS server
# mount -o loop test.iso /mnt
test.iso: Permission denied

Ans: because no "-o ro" assumes "-o rw",
if you don't have wirte permission on NFS, this problem occured.
# mount -o loop,ro test.iso /mnt

Skype for Linux configuration path

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Skype for Linux 's configuration save in directory ~/.Skype/
user pank in /home/pank/.Skype/
user root in /root/.Skype/

Running Windows Viruses Under Linux

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Running Windows Viruses Under Linux
An interesting article that test many viruses under Linux.
I fogot this tool name, I search "ext2explorer", but failed.
It's "Explore2fs", just make a note.

Local Root Exploit in Linux 2.4 and 2.6

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not exploit on my machine (Mandrake 10.1)
maybe only exploit under some conditions

ref. linux.slahdot news


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