Linux: November 2003 Archives

linux "could not open session"

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-rw-r--r-- /etc/passwd is normal
-rw------- will casue "could not open session" when normal user login or root su to normal user

RedHat Linux

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RedHat 已不再公開釋出版本, 爾後分三個等級出售, 最便宜的也要 USD 179 (約台幣6000, 超貴)

Red Hat Enterprise Linux WS
Ideal for all desktop/client needs, including development workstation, power desktop, targeted client applications, and High Performance Computing.

Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES
The solution for small to mid-range servers used for the majority of today's business computing needs.

Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS
The top-of-the-line enterprise Linux, supporting high-end and mission-critical systems, and available with the highest levels of support.


May 2008

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