nginx (發音 engine) 近幾年因為性能卓越, 市佔已愈來愈高, 僅次於 Apache, IIS, 排第三
官方有提供 Prebuilt Packages, 安裝很方便
Create /etc/yum.repos.d/nginx.repo
yum -y install nginx
PHP 在 configure 需加 --enable-fpm 參數
設定檔用預設的即可 cp sapi/fpm/php-fpm.conf /usr/local/etc/php-fpm.conf
執行 php-fpm 會 Listen 9000 Port
nginx 設定檔 /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf
這是 HTTP + HTTPS + PHP 的典型設定, DocumentRoot 在 /var/www/html
若 SSL 憑證是用 Let's Encrypt, ssl_certificate 這個參數要把這兩個檔合併 cert.pem, chain.pem
cat cert.pem chain.pem > cert_chain.pem
若只有 cert.pem 的內容, 試過一般瀏覽器可以正常, 但是 curl, wget, links, lynx, w3m 等 CLI 工具都會出現錯誤
curl: (60) Peer certificate cannot be authenticated with known CA certificates
wget: ERROR: The certificate of '' is not trusted.
links: SSL error
lynx: SSL error:unable to get local issuer certificate
w3m: unable to get local issuer certificate
ERROR: The certificate of '' hasn't got a known issuer.
ref. Install NGINX