IPIP tunnels and GRE tunnels

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IPIP tunnels and GRE tunnels 的差異在於 IPIP tunnel 只能跑 IP unicast,
GRE tunnels 可以跑任何 L3 協定, 即 GRE tunnels 的功能性大於 IPIP tunnel
IPIP tunnels 封包前加了 Outer IP Header, GRE tunnels 封包前加了 Outer IP Header 及 GRE Header

Linux 上的兩者設定方式很像, 設定範例
Site A IP 121.xx.xx.xx
Site B IP 203.xx.xx.xx

IPIP tunnels
Site A command:
modprobe ipip
ip tunnel add ipiptun mode ipip local 121.xx.xx.xx remote 203.xx.xx.xx ttl 64 dev eth0
ip addr add dev ipiptun peer
ip link set dev ipiptun up

Site B command:
modprobe ipip
ip tunnel add ipiptun mode ipip local 203.xx.xx.xx remote 121.xx.xx.xx ttl 64 dev eth0
ip addr add dev ipiptun peer
ip link set dev ipiptun up

GRE tunnels
Site A command:
modprobe ip_gre
ip tunnel add gretun mode gre local 121.xx.xx.xx remote 203.xx.xx.xx ttl 64 dev eth0
ip addr add dev gretun peer
ip link set dev gretun up

Site B command:
modprobe ip_gre
ip tunnel add gretun mode gre local 203.xx.xx.xx remote 121.xx.xx.xx ttl 64 dev eth0
ip addr add dev gretun peer
ip link set dev gretun up

ref. tunneling

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