WCG 2005 offical games 仍舊有 StartCraft, 已經連續 n 年入選 offical games 了.
不愧是經典遊戲, 我有時還會拿出來玩一下, 現在 Patch 出到 1.13c.
Blizzard 很早就註冊了 starcraft2.com, 或許有出 StarCraft2 的計畫.
Update: 根據 DK 的訊息, Blizzard 不會出 StarCraft2 了 :(
查了一下, 官方的 General FAQ 提到:
Will you be making StarCraft II?
We have not announced any current plans for StarCraft II. We are all very close to the worlds and characters we created in the original game and the expansion set and while we do intend to revisit that universe, we have no plans to do so at this time.
之前被挖角挖得元氣大傷吧 :p
最近很明顯在搞 WoW...
Posted by: gslin at August 29, 2005 09:45 PM那會出什麼?
總不會靠 StarCraft, Diablo 2 賺到死吧??
原來真的有宣布, 害我還蠻期待 Diablo 3 的...XD
Posted by: Dave at August 29, 2005 09:26 PMBlizzard 前陣子有說他們不會出 StarCraft 2、Diablo 3,是公司發言人說的,不是小道消息。
Posted by: gslin at August 29, 2005 03:33 PM